Acts 18:9 ~ And the Lord said to Paul one night in a vision, “Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent.”
This verse was given to me this morning by a dear brother in Christ, Rapule, to whom I was explaining my fear of going to the abortion mill; but being compelled by God, knew He would give me strength to accomplish the task to which He had called me.. This verse, along with the prayers of many dear Facebook friends, brought me great comfort and boldness to stand in the gap and speak God’s word.
My son, youngest daughter and I arrived to meet up with fellow abolitionists, Pastor Dale, Jillian and her daughter.
As the clinic workers arrived, Pastor Dale spoke with them and told them there was a better way and that they shouldn’t be killing black babies. One of the workers said, “We kill white babies, too, and Hispanic and Chinese.” Though her comment was made in sarcasm, I was struck by the fact that she KNOWS they are killing babies and she is ok with that.
Cars began pulling in, and at least one couple went around the back where we could not speak to them. The others who came walked past us to the front of the clinic. Each time they did Pastor Dale would speak to the women and try to give them info. One woman who came with two other women did take the info, but they went inside any way.
A man and woman pulled up in an SUV with small children. She got out of the car and walked past us to go into the clinic. As Pastor Dale approached her to speak with her and give her information, her escort came out of the vehicle and asked us what he was saying to her. Jillian and I explained that he was sharing the truth about abortion and God’s word and that he wanted her to know there were other options. The man said he didn’t think that anyone can make a choice for someone else. Jillian and I explained fetal development that she was making a choice of death for her baby and that Jillian had some information if he would take it in to her, she may make the correct choice. We found out his name is Shawn and hers is Tonya. They have three children together, whom we could see in the SUV. They are not together now and Tonya is now pregnant by another man, so she chose to end this baby’s life. He said that people have to make hard choices in life and Jillian gave him a beautiful testimony from her life that I know moved him as it did me. Pastor Dale explained to Shawn that he was also guilty of murder for driving her there, as the man who drives the get-a-way car is also responsible for the bank robbery. Shawn told us he was raised in church. That his grandma took him every week but that it’s too hard to follow all the rules and no one can be that good. We shared the gospel with him and had many good discussions with him. He was very respectful and really listening, I could tell the Holy Spirit was pricking his conscience, yet he kept saying he believed in God but would wait for judgment day. We warned him that it is appointed for man once to die and then the judgment. Jillian shared the law with him and asked what his fate would be on judgment day according to the law. He knew it would be hell, but he still didn’t seem to fully comprehend. I told him that God brought us together today to share the gospel with him and warn him of the wrath to come for those who do not believe, because neither Jillian nor I were going to go today and he wasn’t planning on getting out of the car. I told him God brought him there to hear the truth of His word so that he could repent of his sins and believe in Jesus; because he KNOWS there is a God and we will all be judged. He knows the truth, but he is suppressing it to live how he wants to live. Shawn actually made a very astute observation about grace that I’m not sure many understand. He said he can’t “play” with God and say he’s going to live for God and then go on living and doing whatever he wants and then say “Oh, I’m sorry God,” then keep repeating the cycle. I agreed with him that God knows our hearts and what he described is not true repentance. There was so much more to our conversation, but it’s impossible to recount it all here. We spoke with him for quite a long time. Many scriptures were shared and a lot of good discussion. As he was leaving, we gave him a lot of information and asked him to go home and read it and pray and ask God to show him the truth. Jillian asked if she could pray for him. He said she could, so we closed our time with him in prayer. We made oen final plea to him to take the information to Tonya or ask her to come out and speak with us but he said he couldn’t do that and then he left with the kids. Please pray for Shawn and for Tonya. I still have hope that she left the killing place, though she probably did not and hope that they will both repent and believe in Jesus.
The abortionist, Martin Ruddock, pulled in in his Mercedes while Jillian and I were talking with Shawn. My daughter said that he made a face at them and gave them the middle finger. Pastor Dale said that he helped pioneer the partial birth abortion procedure and that he does abortions up to 28 weeks, which is 7 months!!! They have had many conversations and run-ins over many years. Please pray for Martin and ask God to change his heart of stone to a heart of flesh through repentance and belief in Jesus. Pray that his eyes will be opened and he will stop murdering babies and harming their mothers.
After a couple hours, we were joined by dear sisters in Christ, Sandy and Jean, who are older women with gentle, quiet spirits. What a blessing it was to see them standing up for life; and it was a joy to talk with them. They were encouraged to see the teens there. We left shortly after and they continued to stand the gap.
The day was sad in that we did not see any women change their minds so we know babies died today and women were scarred. Pastor Dale said he has personally seen many change their minds and leave the killing place, so that gives me hope. I am also hopeful because we know at least one man heard the Gospel today which is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe.
Thank you for those of you who partnered with us in prayer as I put out a last minute plea. Your prayers and support mean so much to us. We would love it if those of you in the area would join us. The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are truly few.
In Christ,
- Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;
Weep o’er the erring one, lift up the fallen,
Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save
Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save. - Though they are slighting Him, still He is waiting,
Waiting the penitent child to receive;
Plead with them earnestly, plead with them gently;
He will forgive if they only believe. - Down in the human heart, crushed by the tempter,
Feelings lie buried that grace can restore;
Touched by a loving heart, wakened by kindness,
Chords that were broken will vibrate once more. - Rescue the perishing, duty demands it;
Strength for thy labor the Lord will provide;
Back to the narrow way patiently win them;
Tell the poor wand’rer a Savior has died.
Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.