Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Forgiveness For Murderers

The writer of "Amazing Grace", John Newton's biblical worldview had matured to the point that he became active in the Abolitionist movement of the slave trade. In 1788, he published a widely circulated pamphlet, "Thoughts Upon the African Slave Trade" and stated, "I hope it will always be a
subject of humiliating reflection to me, that I was once an active instrument in a business at which my heart now shudders."

I had a dream last night, about pleading (take note: We are NOT protesting. Ask me to expound on that if you like) with ALL the the people who lead their children to the slaughter at abortion mills. We then had the opportunity to plead with an Abortion "doctor" (paid assassin of human beings made in the Image of Almighty God- who ALSO is made in the Image of God. Image Bearers destroying Image Bearers for blood money) before he went in to start his evil work of murdering babies. As a result of the Gospel being preached, that man, that Image Bearer who kills children every day for a living...walked out of that abortion slaughter house and begged God for repentance. What did we do with this repentant sinner? Embraced him and cried that he repented. After that, he became an Abolitionist and stood with us, for the Gospel and fighting for Image Bearers he once destroyed. I love the Abortionists because Jesus wishes no one to perish..

John Newton was a slave trader who was Redeemed by Christ.
God can Redeem even the "worst" among us. He can Redeem an Abortionist, too.

Ezekiel 33:11 "Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord God, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?’"

We stand out there, just AS much for our 'neighbor' the Abortionist, as much as we do the babies being led to the slaughter.

Christ died for us while we were HIS enemies; do you love your 'enemy' the Abortionist? Plead with them to repent in the mighty Name of JESUS; pray for them that God may grant them repentance and faith and that we may we see them in Heaven- covered by the precious Blood of the Lamb. Forgiven and set Free.