This update is coming much later than I would have liked. It took me some time to process some of what happened and coupled with some family things that come first, it took me a while to sit down and type out thoughts.
Women's Medical Group - Akron
"Their feet run to evil, And they hasten to shed innocent blood; Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity, Devastation and destruction are in their highways." ~ Isaiah 59:7
"Their feet run to evil, And they hasten to shed innocent blood; Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity, Devastation and destruction are in their highways." ~ Isaiah 59:7
I haven’t been to this abortion mill in Akron for several weeks as I have been focusing more on mills in my city; but today was planning to go to meet Vanessa to get some items from her. When I arrived no one was there so I got my ministry materials together and headed across the street to the abortion mill.
As I stood there, I wondered why God had me there today by myself. Michael, the security guard came out and looked at what I was doing and tried to look intimidating. There was nothing to fear as I am not breaking any laws and God is my strength. I prayed God would give me peace and the words to say.
Loretta, a sweet, gentle older woman, showed up about a half hour later. Judy, the abortion mill escort, arrived, put on her yellow vest and walked up with Michael to see what Loretta and I were up to. When she saw my sign that says, “I know 44 families ready to adopt your baby. We are here to help.” She chortled, “OH REALLY!!! Well I know 144 families ready to adopt!! The only problem is families only want blonde-haired, blue-eyed, white babies.” I told her that was not true as I know many families who would love any child that came into their home and that I personally have several friends who have adopted black, bi-racial, or special needs children. She cackled again and said, “Oh, yeah, sure you do!” I assured her I was telling the truth but she continued to laugh and call me a liar.
I introduced myself to her and she told me that I
was a hateful bully. I asked her how
she got that out of my sign that says, “I know families willing to adopt.” She said that I am bullying women, that I
will scream at people and act in hateful ways and block the driveway. She obviously had some strange perception of
me as I had only been there twice before and had never done any of the things
she mentioned. She also was just trying
to feel justified in abusing me as she said she had never seen me before.
The first thing I asked her was why she was ok with killing babies in the womb. She said they weren’t killing anything that there wasn’t anything there but a fetus. I asked her what a fetus is and she said, “Oh for %&* sake, you know what’s in the womb, it’s a fetus, nothing more.” So I continued to probe her for what kind of fetus it was, which species? She continued to tell me that it would be a baby once it was born but that when it was a fetus it wasn’t a baby and wasn’t anything being killed. So I probed a bit further and asked her what the fetus was before it was a fetus? She sighed and rolled her eyes and said, “There is nothing before a fetus!! It’s always a fetus until birth; then it’s a baby.” I explained to her that she was scientifically incorrect, that “fetus” is only the terminology for a certain developmental stage of a human being. She said, “Ok, if you’re so smart, what is it before it’s a fetus?” It seemed like a losing battle at that moment, so I informed her that science is very clear that there are stages before fetus. She replied, “Oh, of course, you’re so smart. You KNOW everything, Laura.” I assured her I didn’t but that I understood the developmental stages of human beings. She began screaming obscenities at me and telling me to “shut up.” She spoke to Lauretta for a while about a different topic that Lauretta brought up… Agenda 21, and I was speaking to Michael and she said, “Can’t you ever shut up, Laura?” Hmm... guess my husband could best answer that question. ;) I informed her I was speaking to Michael at that time. We talked some more and I explained what God says about murder and she said, “Oh yeah, the bibldy babbldy bible…. It was written by men and not to be believed.“ I continued to share God’s word with her and she continued to rage against it. I know it was the word of God not me she was angry about. She told me I was ridiculous and laughed and started to walk away.
The first thing I asked her was why she was ok with killing babies in the womb. She said they weren’t killing anything that there wasn’t anything there but a fetus. I asked her what a fetus is and she said, “Oh for %&* sake, you know what’s in the womb, it’s a fetus, nothing more.” So I continued to probe her for what kind of fetus it was, which species? She continued to tell me that it would be a baby once it was born but that when it was a fetus it wasn’t a baby and wasn’t anything being killed. So I probed a bit further and asked her what the fetus was before it was a fetus? She sighed and rolled her eyes and said, “There is nothing before a fetus!! It’s always a fetus until birth; then it’s a baby.” I explained to her that she was scientifically incorrect, that “fetus” is only the terminology for a certain developmental stage of a human being. She said, “Ok, if you’re so smart, what is it before it’s a fetus?” It seemed like a losing battle at that moment, so I informed her that science is very clear that there are stages before fetus. She replied, “Oh, of course, you’re so smart. You KNOW everything, Laura.” I assured her I didn’t but that I understood the developmental stages of human beings. She began screaming obscenities at me and telling me to “shut up.” She spoke to Lauretta for a while about a different topic that Lauretta brought up… Agenda 21, and I was speaking to Michael and she said, “Can’t you ever shut up, Laura?” Hmm... guess my husband could best answer that question. ;) I informed her I was speaking to Michael at that time. We talked some more and I explained what God says about murder and she said, “Oh yeah, the bibldy babbldy bible…. It was written by men and not to be believed.“ I continued to share God’s word with her and she continued to rage against it. I know it was the word of God not me she was angry about. She told me I was ridiculous and laughed and started to walk away.
By this time there were several pro-life people who had arrived and were
calling out to the women who were taking their children to slaughter. We were unable to hand out any information as
there is a long driveway that goes around the back of the building and that is
where all the clients enter and are “protected” from us.
“If you love those who love you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful." ~Luke 6:32-33, 35-37
Judy and Michael walked back towards us. I had been praying for Judy, as have Elaine and Rachelle for some time. We have been hoping for an open door to really speak with her and for God to soften her heart. It is so easy to look at Judy and want to hate her. She is helping women kill their babies, giving wrong medical information seemingly on purpose and screaming obscenities at me and calling me a hateful bully; but all I could think when I looked at her was that I was sorry for her for being so blind and deceived. I felt God impressing me to just listen to her and see if I could get past the hard exterior.
As she walked towards the front of the building I asked her if she would
come over and talk to me. She rolled her
eyes, sighed and asked what I wanted. I
told her that I stood by what I said earlier but that if I had been been rude
to her personally, that I would ask her forgiveness. Her eyes narrowed and she looked me up and
down and said, “Of course I forgive you.”
I then asked her what she would like me to know about her. She said, “Nothing,” but then proceeded to
tell us that she was brought up in Catholic school and the Catholic
church. She said a lot of interesting things that gave
me insight into who she is. I also had a
chill run down my spine when she told me that a lot of the women (blacks) that she
counsels do not even know the names of their body parts or how they became
pregnant. She said they already have ten
kids from ten different men and do we really want people like this
reproducing? That took me right back to
Margaret Sanger and her thoughts on blacks, mentally ill, Jews, and assorted
other “undesirables” that she did not want reproducing and being a drain on
society. She tried to say that she
works at the clinic to help women, because so often they are trapped by
irresponsible men who get them pregnant and walk out on them. I almost believe she is sincere in thinking
that. I just wish she would realize the evil
of killing a child is not the solution.
While we were discussing that, I mentioned that if people did things God’s
way and had respect for themselves and God’s laws and waited until marriage to
have sex there wouldn’t be as much need to cover up the sin of fornication with
the sin of murder. She actually said she
supports abstinence as well as birth control.
Judy mentioned that she had been physically attacked by a pro-life woman
who happened to be there that day. I do
not know if that is true or not, but I told her if I saw her get attacked I
would have stepped in to stop that. Her
response was, “I may be 70 but I can take care of myself.” I told her no matter, I would have stepped
in to defend her. Judy and I talked at
length. She said so much more but it
would take pages to recount the whole conversation. Please pray for Judy and pray that God will
draw her to Himself.
There were several women who went in to have their babies murdered today, but unfortunately, as I mentioned earlier, we were unable to get any pre-abortion packets to them because of the distance. Please pray for those women. God will still redeem them if they repent and believe.
Standing in the gap,
There were several women who went in to have their babies murdered today, but unfortunately, as I mentioned earlier, we were unable to get any pre-abortion packets to them because of the distance. Please pray for those women. God will still redeem them if they repent and believe.
Standing in the gap,
Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;
Weep o’er the erring one, lift up the fallen,
Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save.
Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.
Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.
Though they are slighting Him, still He is waiting,
Waiting the penitent child to receive;
Plead with them earnestly, plead with them gently;
He will forgive if they only believe.
Down in the human heart, crushed by the tempter,
Feelings lie buried that grace can restore;
Touched by a loving heart, wakened by kindness,
Chords that were broken will vibrate once more.
Rescue the perishing, duty demands it;
Strength for thy labor the Lord will provide;
Back to the narrow way patiently win them;
Tell the poor wand’rer a Savior has died.
Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.
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