Monday, November 25, 2013

Standing in the Gap - November 23, 2013

A simple group of people, simple Christians,  with a simple mission:

To reach out to mothers and fathers, at Planned Parenthood, and everyone in between who goes there. We are the Abolitionist Society of Canton  who wants to "love the least of these". And what better place is there to do that, than a place where they are being led to the slaughter? This particular P.P. does not actually participate in the later-term slaughtering of children, but women are referred to another place where they pay someone to have their child killed. The women here can however, kill their child through chemical poisons and we fight for these precious unborn Image Bearers as well; who have just as much value as their mothers and fathers. From the moment of conception we are a human being with value; we do not develop our value as we grow in the womb. All Planned Parenthoods are equally guilty in the murder of the unborn. Even more so, Christians are guilty for not speaking up and we will be held accountable for what we do and what we do not do. The womb should be the safest place, but instead it is turned into a tomb.

On a very important side note, these people are so genuinely loving and care about the "least of these". In the midst of the cold and some blatant hatred from people, you can sense Christ Jesus' Love from them. I can say I love them and look forward to ministering with them again.

Praise the Lord for His provision! Even in what I will call a "simple" thing! The Lord provided a much needed vehicle, prior to us finding this particular society via Facebook. Otherwise, we would not have been able to travel to Canton to minister! God is so good. It's been getting under our skin, to go DO something.It had been far too long of not being "out there."

We arrived at 9am promptly to the Canton Planned Murderhood (Parenthood).It was blustery and cold, but bearable. The wind tapered off and the sun started showing up around 10:30am thankfully. By the end of the day, I felt like a penguin and was walking like one.

Doors opened and and a few young women immediately arrived. We offered information and some gave a polite "no thank you".
We pressed further asking if they "knew what this place here did?" Some said, "Yes, but I don't care"..."It's not my problem"...

..."Why don't you people find something productive to do to help your community???"..."I'm just here for free services"... We gave analogies about the trains that dropped of the Jewish people at the camps in Germany. While the trains may have not actually killed people, the people in the camps did. They offer "the pill" and many women I assumed came there for that.

One young woman and her boyfriend, I assume; cussed us out and told us to "mind our own business". The mother (or grandmother)
said to us, "If I want to have sex with my son, I will!"...that being the most strange comment of the day. I actually believed what she said and it truly showed the condition of the human heart. The state of the heart comes through the words we speak. Many people showed their true state and the need of the Savior Jesus (I need Him just as much as anyone else). I plead with the young woman who I assumed was pregnant (she didn't like what I was saying at all) with a brand new conceived human being. I explained that "the pill" actually poisons the "embryo," or her sweet precious child and that is murder and God will hold them accountable. Begged them to come speak with us, and in response we received some not-so-nice gestures. I always try and respond with "God bless you."
We plead with the young woman to have "mercy on" her baby and then shared the Law & the Gospel as they tried to pretend they were not listening. Even when you think they are not listening, perhaps the Holy Spirit was working on them and it will bear fruit in their heart later. They went in the "clinic" to not return (we begged them once more, before they went it, to have mercy on their child) until we left and they then walked out.

Had some honks of encouragement and waves. Had at least two fruitful conversations, gave out some materials and plead with some women who were moms I believe going in to take the life of their child, with chemical poisons. All in all, it was a blessed day and I look forward to being "out there" again, for the glory of God and for the lives of the unborn and their families.

If we can even impact one person, with the Love of Jesus Christ, we have made the world a better place; not because of us, but because of HIM.

"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." ~1 John 3:16-18

"People who live in fear, tend to do plenty of nothing." - could be called apathy and fear of man produces apathy, even when one doesn't admit it. #fearGodNotman

We will Abolish Human Abortion by the Grace of God.

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